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winner Photo contest april

OK, this update is gonna be in english for a change. Perhaps the whole blog is gonna be in english next winter, or we might atleast have a translator or something. I know we have a few english speaking members in the facebook group, and I hope that they are interested in the blog to!

The winner of the contest this month is Martin Björkqvist and his cool picture of a snowboarder in the air. He's getting a really nice beanie from Kask! Kask is the freeriders Sverre Liljeqvist and Kaj Zackrisson's campany that sells beanies, clothes, goggles and other cool stuf, check it out:

This is the winning picture:

We didn't get a lot of pictures this month but here are some of the others:

Another nice pic from Martin Björkqvist

Pether Björk sent in this picture of himself doing something stupid on a snowmobile.

Keep it wicked folks!


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